If you’re logged in, click here to go the Member’s Area.
As an Association Member you are able to view the monthly Board of Directors minutes, Association bylaws and exclusive workshop and training presentations from the annual conference. After you become a member, you will receive a user name and password. Click here to log-in to the Members Area.
Much of the work of the Association is performed through standing and special committees. The standing committees include Executive, Bylaws, National Conference Planning, Education, Nutrition and the Nominating and Elections committees appointed at the discretion of the Board or Executive Committee. After becoming a member, please consider joining a committee by contacting a Board member from the Contact Us page.
If you are a dues paying member and need access to the members only section, please contact Erika Westfall.
Membership Dues
See info about the dues structure for 2024 here.
Pay your Membership Dues here.
See a list of 2023 Member Agencies here.
Association Members: Membership in the National CSFP Association is open to State Agencies, Indian Tribal Organizations, Local Agencies and subcontractors receiving funding to provide CSFP services. Membership in the Association is contingent upon timely receipt of annual dues and designates you as a “Member in Good Standing.” 2024 Membership is valid from the date you pay your dues through December 31, 20234.
Benefits of Membership:
Your participation in the NCSFPA as a dues paying member supports activities that produced positive results during 2023, including:
- Technical assistance was provided to the new organizations.
- Maintaining positive relations with national partners including USDA, FRAC, Feeding America and AARP.
- Supporting a Washington, DC based National CSFP Association lobbyist.
- Supporting the advocacy efforts of the National CSFP Association Education/Public Policy committee.
- Promote and support the national profile of the CSFP food package.
- CSFP received a record $338.64 million of federal funding that supported 760,547 caseload slots.
- Providing a collective voice for policy and funding needs on a national level
This is partial list of member benefits. NCSFPA membership remains an outstanding value and important investment.
Members also receive a discount on registration fees for the annual conference.
Pay your Membership Dues here. You will have the option to pay by credit card or check. If paying by check, please print out a copy of the confirmation page or email, and include it with your payment.
W-9 available upon request.
Elections are held on on annual basis, and positions are open to all members.
See a slide presentation on elections here.
Watch the elections video presentation here.
All Board Positions:
- Monthly BOD Conference Call attendance (call duration generally 1 hour per month).
- Attendance at the BOD Annual Meeting held prior to the NCSFPA Conference. The NCSFPA does not have funding to support travel and conference fees for individual BOD Members to this meeting.
- BOD members each are encouraged to join one of the Association’s standing Committees which include: By Laws, Conference Planning, Education, Nominations, Nutrition Education, and other various subcommittees as appointed at the discretion of the President.
- Follow up as requested by the Education Committee on ongoing legislative issues via letter writing and calls.
Preside at all meetings of the Board, chair the Executive Committee, sign contracts, grants, fiscal and legal documents authorized by the Board, appoint committee chairs in conjunction with the Executive Committee, however, ultimately with board approval and represent the Association in relations with the US Department of Agriculture and other groups.
Vice President:
Fulfill the duties of President when the President is not available, and who shall assume the office of President when that office is vacated.
Maintain records of membership, income, and disbursement; make payments authorized by the President; provide financial reports to the Association; receive registration fees for the annual National Conference; prepare an annual budget for recommendation to the Board
Keep official records of all meetings of the general membership, the Board, subcommittees (as requested), the Executive Committee, and disburses these to the BOD for approval. Gathers and disburses correspondence from the various board committees to the membership, disseminates newsletters, posts info to the website and assists with grant funding proposals as requested by the President.